So I've started working out. It's been a while, and it's going to take a lot of work to get back into condition. Wed. my brother and I stopped into the new Gold's Gym in town. I had no interest, just along for the ride. Before I knew it I was signed up. Today was my first day. I focused just on my chest area when we lifted. Mostly working on the bench press. I don't feel any burn because I can't feel my arms at all. I can't feel myself typing right now either. I then did the elliptical for about 15 minutes. I hadn't felt like this since I began lifting in High School; the feeling of vomit just about to come out of you for working out to hard or if it's your first time in a while. MMMMM.
I think when ever you start something, like working out, you paint a picture of what you will be like in a few months or a year. Who knows. If I keep it up, the next time you see me you might run for cover, screaming SASQUASH has come out of the woods! Run!! Or if I follow Arnold's path I'll be govenor of MN in no time.

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