Conan/Walker Texas Ranger out takes: I found these searching yahoo video.
Classic clips including the Walker out take where the Man lets the Child fall.
Clip One
Clip Two
and finally, Conan O'Brien's address to the Harvard class of 2000 - hilarious
Music Video Codes By VideoCodeZone
this site has some more walker skits:
Clip #4 is the best--Haley Joel Osment says "Walker told me I have Aids"
this site has some of Conan's other skits:
lol, clip # 4 was priceless dave, thanks!
Glad to help, did you see the skit Conan did last week when he joined the NBC security staff? It was pretty good
No, I missed, but knowing NBC i'll see about 5 re-runs of it when conan goes on vacation or what not.
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