So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

"Has it hit you yet Dave?""Can you believe you completed college?"... These and many other similar questions have circulated around me by family and friends in the past week. I graduated college.
My first comment will go to those, (who probably don't even view this site) that can't see the merit of graduating college, let alone a public university such as state. To those I salute you with a go burn in hell.
Secondly, I think it will take some time for me to soak up the fact that I am no longer in college. To reflect on the ups and downs of my college career. There have been many positive and many negative aspects to undergrad life, but looking back, all the negatives turned into a positive learning experience.
Right now I feel excited. More possibilities have opened up for me, just by having this degree. Now that I have it, nobody can take it away from me. That is my first realization I have concluded to.
The rest of December looks to be very relaxing for me. I'm in the Twin Cities now, with plans to just enjoy the holidays. I'll take this time to relax and contemplate my next move.
I found a recent article titled "Are colleges failing?" A brief look at the lesson plans of higher education. I suppose you argue they are failing, since I graduated :)
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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