Evolution of My Life (as of late)(mostly in comparison to the movie "Old School")

I'm 24 years old. I have a great girlfriend, and I student teach art for high school students. Everything is going swell. I'm seeing subtle changes and very large changes in my life everyday. All of them for the best for my own future, but I can't help think about what I'm leaving behind, and that would be College.

Excepting the fact that your not that 19 year old poured freshly into the bath tub wop that is college. Saying goodbye, maybe not forever, to friends you used to hang out with everyday, taking shots prior to class while mounting your plan on how your going to make to Garvey in the 30 below temp. with 6 feet of snow, knowing that you'll poop out what you ate in 30 minutes. Good ol' Garvey.

All of sudden your friends start dropping like flys. The guy who helped you out of ditch after falling down after to much at the carpet is now at the alter. You turn around one day and you realize most of your college friends have moved away. Those of your friends you still talk to live at least a half an hour away but schedules are now complicated with work and or children.

Then you wake up one day in amazement and confusion and realize it has happened to you.Your weekends are now spent going to IKEA or the HomeDepot or the Bed Bath and Beyond if your lucky. You talk about patterns for the shades or bed covers. I don't mind looking for this stuff, I get to spend time with my girlfriend, but in comparison to what I was doing two years ago, you might ask how did it all change so quickly.

Then on whim one night you and your friends decide to get together and relive all of your college glory in the one night you have time for. Your no longer 19, you can't handle your liquor and you get tired at 10. You wake up with a minor hangover, and then round up your crew to go to perkins. Topics change from how wasted you got last to how much your back hurts and how you will pay your tip.
It's a very weird trip, I guess words can't really explain how I feel about this all. This journal wasn't really of much help to anyone now that I think of it. Sorry. I began thinking it could be informative to those younger then I. Watch the movie Old School, that might do a better job then I did trying to explain what ever it was I was talking about. I have to go now. Going to the Mall of America, going to look at IKEA, maybe eat at Applebees, If we have time maybe Linens and Things, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have time...
I forgot to tell you that I liked this post.
I like this post. Even if I haven't even seen the movie.
great post
kinda sounds depressing though
Old School is an amazing movie
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