Fricken Sweet: Quake goes Mobile

id games are planning a version of Quake that will run on the new generation of 3D-enabled mobile phones that are slated for release next year.
The mobile Quake will be faithful to the 1996 original (a direct port we are guessing) which was the first shooter to make use of true 3D and went on to spawn a run of sequels, as well as inspiring games such as Half Life and Unreal.
id CEO, Todd Hollenshead, said: "Quake [mobile] takes all of the action, game play, and atmosphere of the groundbreaking original and puts it right in the palm of your hands. Quake pushes the envelope of today's mobile handsets, and offers gamers a fun and addictive on-the-go entertainment experience. We're already looking forward to the first mobile deathmatch."
It is anticipated that Quake will be built into the first set of 3D phones.
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