Conan's Endorsement

A few years back the movie "Dirty Dancing" was brought back to the big screen after 20 years or so from it's early 80's release. It wasn't some Hollywood big wig's bright idea to bring it back for a 20 year anniversary or some other ploy. It was Conan O'Brien's. If I recall, O'Brien constantly promoted the movie at his own expense to generate some comedy sketch, or to kill time. Either way after a few weeks of begging on his show Late Night, paramount or who ever owns the rights to the movie, Dirty Dancing was re-released to the silver screen once again.
As soon as the news hit Conan's ears about the re-release of "Dirty Dancing" he pulled a 180 and I believe called it one of the worse movies of all time or something to that extent, but totally back stabbing the movie... It was hilarious.
People listen to him, and or his writing staff. This time Finland is listening.
"HELSINKI, Finland - Finland's president finds her traditional support among women and the Social Democratic Party base, but lately to the surprise of many Finns  and her opponents in Sunday's election  she has gotten an endorsement of a different sort.
The redheaded late-night talk show host Conan O'Brien has been promoting President Tarja Halonen's re-election bid as part of a long-running joke about their supposed physical similarities.
"Why do I support Tarja Halonen? Because she's got the total package: a dynamic personality, a quick mind, and most importantly  my good looks," the comedian, whose show is broadcast on cable in Finland, said in a statement to The Associated Press." -By KARL RITTER, Associated Press Writer
The election I believe is today in Finland. I'll post any reports from the race tomorrow to see if Conan had any pull what so ever.
The article from: Yahoo! Associated Press
Readers' List: Best acting performances by athletes Page 2 report
A funny top 10 list from Farve to Andre the Giant...
"10. Andre the Giant in "The Princess Bride" (23 letters)
If you are going to include wrestlers such as The Rock, then you can't overlook the brilliant performance of Andre the Giant in "The Princess Bride."
No other person on earth could have played the gentle giant Fezzik as well as Andre did. The single best line of the film is when he says to Mandy Patinkin, "Indigo. (Yes, Fezzik) I hope we win."
Leaving him off the list? Inconceivable!
California "
The List
Video clip of the day: "Big screen version"